This is another ink wash on heavy paper along with water-soluble graphite and some watercolor pencils. I am calling it “conviction” because it looks like something, but I am not sure (yet?) what that is.
Available in canvas, metal, and paper prints at various sizes here.
This piece is primarily digital. The foreground in black was created, after much experimentation, using a drawing program. The background is composed of ink washes on paper, then altered digitally. The inspiration is the simple elegance of Asian calligraphy, but it is fully abstract and not calligraphy.
Prints of this in various sizes and formats (canvas, framed paper, metal) are available here.
Not quite like the other “topographical” but still looks a bit like a map with different colored sections and lines and “avenues” of movement. This was created with ink and ink washes on heavy stock paper that had been scored with a sharp instrument. Then, in Lightroom and Photoshop, I worked to bring out the colors and enhance the contrast. The grainy surface is the result of how the ink interacted with the paper.
This ink wash struck me as a person resting on the floor. But others will have a different interpretation. In addition to the ink applied to paper, I did some modifications in Lightroom to get more color into the image.
This is a piece that appeared “zen style.” After laying down some watercolor washes and waiting for them to dry, I started with the spatter at the top and then did some small movements to create the rest of the dark shapes. The jagged outlines were made possible by the separation of fibers that occurred at the tip of the shodo brush.
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