Tag Archives: interior design

Urban Patterns 5

This acrylic painting is 5th in the Urban Patterns series, which is inspired by shapes and geometric forms in urban environments. In this painting, I used a palette knife and paint scrapers to create some of the lines and edges. 12 x 12 inches.

Just sold! But you can still pick up a canvas or metal print.

Urban Patterns 5

Journey Inward

This painting was very much the result of a “go with the flow” process. By that, I mean that I had no intention at the beginning other than to put down different colors, see how they combine with each other, and use the brush and a palette knife to add shapes. The idea of a journey inward highlights the intuitive nature of the process. Just let it happen and try not to get your thoughts get in the way.

This piece is 12 by 12 inches; acrylic on canvas.

Original and prints available.

Journey Inward

Hope 1

This painting is something new for me as it gets away from the geometric shapes I have been painting lately and their suggestion of urban forms. It is all about bright, swirly, vibrant colors without a clear reference to anything tangible except perhaps billowing clouds. As such, I think it evokes feelings of joy and optimism. This is the first of a series. 11 x 14 inches, acrylic on canvas.

Original goes for $150 here. Prints also available.

Hope 1, 11 x 14 inches on canvas

Urban Patterns 2

This is the second painting in the urban patterns series. It is very different from the first, but still has the suggestive geometric shapes of urban forms. This acrylic painting is on a 11 by 14 inch canvas and is priced at $140 plus shipping and handling. You can buy it here. Metal, canvas, and paper prints can also be acquired at this link.


Altered Vision 2

This image is a variation on the theme in Altered Vision. Again, the focus is on geometric shapes that suggest urban structures as well as more purely abstract forms. As in the first piece, there are many overlapping shapes and colors. Interestingly, this painting started out in a “different place” from its predecessor, but as I worked on both of them together, they converged, ending up with many similar characteristics and a unified look.

Interested in a print?


Cityscape 1

I have been working to evoke elements of a city, focusing on rectangular forms, bright colors, and something of a three dimensional presentation.
Acrylic applied with a palette knife.

Fine art prints at this page

Cityscape 1

Emergence 3

I created this piece by laying down a thick layer of gesso in which I made patterns, textures, and various lines before it dried. Once it dried, I put down the pigment using thinned acrylics. The black ink strokes went on last while the acrylic layer was still a bit damp.

Go here to see print options.

emergence 3

Texture of Colors

I have been experimenting with color blending and smaller strokes lately. This piece turned out very much as a pattern, but color densities change from place to place. Still working on controlling that process to create more intentional effects. Acrylic on heavy stock paper.

Prints here
