Category Archives: ink
Shapes of Things
Obtuse and Vertical
I love to make flowing marks on paper and that is basically what this is. This may not be for everyone, but I find it very enjoyable to do and to contemplate. It was done with ink and a bamboo pen I made.
What works? I think there should be a combination of graceful lines, interesting forms and angels, and a sense that it is a whole. I have done a lot of sketches like this over the years and have found that it is almost impossible to actually plan how to do them. You have a general idea of what you’re after, but then you have to let your hand take over. I find that most times what emerges is not that interesting, but if I keep at it, something very intriguing can result.
Feedback 1
This is another adventure with ink and watercolor washes on heavy stock paper. More and more, I am finding that the noise of the photograph can actually enhance the effect, especially on the screen.
Prints, including canvas and metal, available at Fine Art America.
Vertical Parallel 2
This is another crop from the larger ink on watercolor painting I did two weeks ago. The first crop is called Vertical Parallel 1, so this is the second in a series of what will be three. This image is very wide, meaning it comes out very narrow in the format of this site; but if you click on it, you will see a larger version of it.
Ink and watercolor on mixmedia stock. In the last week or two, I’ve been adding color to my ink sketches. Sometimes, the color goes on first, so it doesn’t interfere with the ink and is basically a background element. But at other times, I add the color later and let it interact with the ink. In this case, I added the color first as the background.
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